Tweet at least five times per day. Do not do this all at the same time. It must be intermittently for a couple of reasons. The first reason is that if a follower receives your tweets via text message, it will be quite annoying to receive five text messages from twitter from the same person at the same time. The second is that your posts will be scattered throughout your followers’ news feed rather than being in one block at the bottom. Criticism: Just because business hours are done with, does not mean that tweeters are done checking their twitter accounts. I have found that you do not tweet on the weekends. You need to tweet 7 days per week. Just because you are done with your week does not mean that your followers are done checking their twitter. In fact, they are checking them more often. Tweeting is a must on the weekends and in off hours.
Tweet in English. People want quick and easy information. They will not waste their time on something that they don’t care about that much and have to translate. Reading a tweet needs to be as simple as possible and English is the language of business. So most speak it or know portions. It is suggested that you pick your target markets, then tweet in the language that is most understood by your target markets. Now you do not have to stop tweeting in Finnish. It is part of your culture and you should keep that. But translate it for the rest of the world to understand. Also make sure whoever is tweeting knows the language that they are tweeting in quite well. Otherwise, turku_2011 looks incompetent.
Search relevant topics. And follow those that are tweeting about you or something similar to you. Only way to get followers is to get your name out there. Also, follow profiles that are similar to yours as These profiles are more likely to promote your name
Follow those that Re-Tweet you. Followers are more likely to re-tweet you if they know that you are paying attention and noticing them getting your name out there. Re-tweets are a necessity to gathering followers as each re-tweet exponentially grows the group of people reading your tweets.
Interact with those that follow you. By this I mean actually read the tweets of those that are following you. Answer questions that they pose about tuku_2011. Once followers know that you are interactive, they are more likely to re-tweet, or tell friends to follow you.
Tweet pictures of latest events. Humans are quite visual. Information is wonderful. But a picture that accompanies information peaks the interest of followers.
Re-tweet followers that @ mention you. This may fall under interactivity with followers. But it is imperative that your followers know that you are listening and that you care. If they are re-tweeted by a large multi-national twitter account, any tweeter will be excited and talk to follow tweeters about being re-tweeted by you.
Benchmark yourself with other twitter accounts that have vast amounts of followers. Model yourself particularly after businesses and cities.
Not tweeting when audience will be checking twitter the most – at night and on the weekend and just, in general, not tweeting enough.
Not promoting yourself and the different events and activities enough
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